Import 3D BIM into ConstruSteel Online

Our web-based ConstruSteel Online Suite takes steel fabrication to the next level by providing powerful tools for nesting, managing stock, deployment of CNC machines and reducing waste. In order to speed up this CAD/CAM process ConstruSteel Online provides an automated BIM import.

DSTV (.nc1) import SDS2, Advance Steel, BoCad + Tekla plug-in

ConstruSteel integrates with Tekla Structures to import the engineered structural steel in the 3D BIM model using an XML import that is created with the ConstruSteel Online plug-in for Tekla.

Besides using the automatic Tekla plug-in tool, BIM information can also be imported into ConstruSteel Online via DSTV/NC-files(.nc1). This data can be exported from any 3D BIM/3D CAD/3D modelling/structural steel detailing software like Trimble Tekla Structures, SDS/2, Bocad and Autodesk Advance Steel.

Integrate BIM with ConstruSteel Online

  • Automated material import
  • Over 80% time saving creating BOM
  • Standard DSTV import
  • Tekla integration
  • Easy-to-use software

ConstruSteel integrates with Tekla Structures BIM software to import the material required for the construction from Tekla into ConstruSteel. Besides the Tekla integration, you can import BIM data from any BIM software like SDS/2, Bocad or Advance Steel using DSTV-files.

By linking your 3D BIM software and ConstruSteel, your structural steel fabrication process is managed efficiently.

Import BIM data into ConstruSteel Online

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